One of my favorite church series intros I have ever done! Working with the creative team at The Vine Church in Braselton, Ga, the main graphics were created by the in house designer. We then discussed the overall direction of the bumper and style.
Using Adobe After Effects and (primarily) the Trapcode Particular plugin for particle effects, I created the animations and combined them with music that fit the mood/style of the piece.
Adobe After Effects
Trapcode Particular
Video Editing
Church Series Intro
This site was created for a brand new coffee shop that opened in the Dacula, Ga area. It was designed to accomplish 2 main goals: to introduce the user to the new brand and to give users information about the establishment (hours, location, etc…)
The site was also geared towards mobile users (since it was determined that the audience skewed lower and many people get info about an establishment via mobile phones when looking for coffee/food). Additionally, the site needed to have an easy way to reserve meeting space and was built with the ability to add on mobile ordering and traditional e-commerce sales in the near future.
HTML/CSS Web Design
Graphic Design
Web Design
Graphic Design
For this series intro, the creative team at The Vine Church wanted to explore the idea of how music helps to conjure memories of christmas from our pasts. Running with this idea, I used mostly stock footage and visuals to try to bring this to life. The scene starts with a single piano in a den decorated for Christmas with the echos of carolers softly in the background. A simple Joy to the world refrain plays on the piano and as the last note is hit, memories come flooding in of the joy of the Christmas season.
Adobe After Effects
Adobe Premiere Pro
Adobe Audition
Church Series Intro
This intro was made for the Vine Church in Braselton, Ga and was based off the design direction for the series itself.
The main art direction and graphics were based around a classic stained glass window and so the bumper utilized this graphical element as the main focus of the animation. Each scene builds the stained glass window until the final graphic is revealed at the end.
The Atlanta Wedding Band is the premiere wedding band in the Atlanta area. Booking shows nearly every weekend, they have been going strong for many years. The owner, John Thrasher, contacted me nearly 2 years ago and I began working closely with him to position his online presence and increase the number of inbound leads from his site.
Since starting work on the AWB website, I have been able to help John increase his booking by 200% and have consulted on a number of strategies using social media, ad words and directory marketing that has made a huge impact on the bottom line of his business.
Bodyplex is one of my oldest clients and I have been serving their website and digital media needs since 2008. Since that time, I have assisted in the transformation of their website from a simple 5 page website to an award winning multi-location gym website portal.
Because we knew gym members were always on the go, this site was developed from the ground up for the mobile user experience. Each element of the site is designed to allow the user to navigate quickly on both mobile and desktop platforms. The site also features integrations with google drive allowing bodyplex owners the ability to update group fitness plans, imagery and information from a central location.
In addition to the front facing public site, I was also tapped by Bodyplex to create a private owner portal which gives Bodyplex gym owners access to company assets, contact and other information so they can accomplish their goals quickly and with brand standards.
HTML/CSS Web Design
Graphic Design
Web Design
Graphic Design
D-Now is a youth retreat at Hebron Church in Dacula, Ga. The event takes place over 2 nights and the event features music, worship, bible study, fellowship and sleepovers. Working with the video shooters from Tradewind Productions, I cut this 2.5 minute highlight video over the course of 1 day. The shooters would bring me their footage as I was cutting the video together throughout the day.
The footage was gathered from a variety of sources including HD/4K Cameras, Drones and Go-Pros. As more footage came in, it was quickly organized and placed on the timeline in order to be rendered and shown the last night of the event.
Adobe Premiere Pro
Adobe After Effects
Adobe Photoshop
Adobe Illustrator
Video Editing
Motion Graphics
Phasellus a imperdiet turpis, nec varius orci. Phasellus rutrum sapien non lobortis efficitur. Aliquam sem libero, tempor vitae interdum non, malesuada sollicitudin nunc. Nam finibus est id tincidunt mollis. Morbi sagittis ultrices turpis, eget aliquam purus aliquet sit amet.
Integer facilisis tincidunt odio. Mauris hendrerit ac magna eu vestibulum. Pellentesque mollis eget dolor in tempus. Mauris iaculis vulputate magna, vel rhoncus leo feugiat non. Sed consequat, turpis sed vulputate sodales, magna tellus malesuada nulla, nec euismod sem orci et nulla.
Cras accumsan turpis tellus, nec luctus tellus tincidunt id. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Praesent lectus sapien, auctor nec metus at, laoreet consequat diam. Duis non rutrum nisl, id elementum nisl. Suspendisse dapibus ac nulla quis ornare.
Aliquam fringilla est lacus, id placerat metus auctor non. Suspendisse potenti. Curabitur tellus nisl, elementum eget convallis in, faucibus sit amet leo. Quisque eu diam libero. Duis scelerisque, diam eget eleifend pretium, nunc magna placerat enim, a gravida ante massa a urna.
Sed ac erat eget felis lobortis eleifend sollicitudin sed diam. In augue elit, venenatis ut sapien in, dapibus porttitor diam. In fermentum eu mi nec suscipit. Quisque rhoncus metus diam, eu rhoncus sapien dictum vel.
Donec et neque sit amet nisl viverra lacinia. Aenean eu lectus purus. Donec scelerisque purus diam, id pretium magna fermentum hendrerit. Proin hendrerit erat mauris, quis rhoncus nibh lacinia quis. Curabitur orci sem, porta et eros et, rutrum tristique eros.
Vestibulum ornare nulla et turpis volutpat, rhoncus lacinia elit auctor. Quisque luctus purus neque, quis tristique felis venenatis vitae. Nam lobortis orci at erat bibendum, at fermentum ex tincidunt. Donec efficitur ligula at eros maximus mollis.
Cras sed scelerisque purus. Nullam ligula felis, tincidunt interdum bibendum at, rutrum non elit. Quisque cursus pellentesque augue id consectetur. Mauris auctor, turpis vitae porttitor sagittis, orci purus vulputate neque, ut pretium dolor enim eu velit. Quisque hendrerit est vel felis aliquet, sed porttitor turpis congue.